Monday, 19 March 2018

Avaliação binária de nova zelândia

Top Brokers de Opções Binárias na Nova Zelândia.

Bem-vindo ao maior portal de negociação de opções binárias da Nova Zelândia que lhe dá oportunidade de obter informações sobre corretores binários, sinais, robôs de negociação de automóveis, estratégias de negociação e guias de instruções. Nós colocamos um grande esforço para fornecer as informações mais precisas e atualizadas do setor de opções binárias. Nosso site promove transparência e honestidade, revisando objetivamente vários tipos de serviços de opções binárias e oferecendo excelentes guias comerciais e educação sobre negociação para todos os nossos clientes de graça. Dê uma olhada nos corretores mais recomendados abaixo e role para baixo para descobrir mais sobre as opções binárias da Nova Zelândia.

* O valor será creditado na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido nt.

O que você precisa saber antes de começar a negociar?

Percebemos que existem muitos sites binários que oferecem pouca informação sobre opções binárias e, mais importante, sobre corretores binários. Os próprios corretores também afirmam ser o "líder", o "melhor software" ou a "retirada mais rápida". É por isso que a Fair Binary Options New Zealand oferece apenas informações precisas sobre corretores, plataformas e notícias financeiras que afetam os resultados da negociação. Se você é novo no mundo do comércio binário, primeiro é escolher o corretor binário certo para negociação. Em avaliações de opções binárias justas, você pode descobrir tudo o que há para saber. Você pode fazê-lo simplesmente visitando nossa lista de corretores confiáveis ​​e escolhendo um para você.

O que são opções binárias ou opções digitais.

As opções binárias são instrumentos financeiros que permitem que os comerciantes troquem no movimento financeiro de um ativo subjacente. Eles são diferentes do Forex porque os comerciantes não estão tomando nenhuma propriedade sobre os ativos de negociação, eles estão apenas tentando prever o valor dos ativos em um período de tempo específico. As opções binárias são a maneira mais simples de negociar com diferentes ativos. Existem apenas duas direções possíveis que estão disponíveis com opções binárias e # 8211; Ligue (Para cima) ou Coloque (Para baixo). Quando um comerciante escolhe a direção do ativo subjacente, ele saberá instantaneamente qual será a porcentagem de lucro potencial. As opções binárias tornaram-se uma das formas mais rápidas e fáceis de negociar porque a porcentagem de pagamento é extremamente alta. A maioria dos corretores geralmente oferece taxas de pagamento que se classificam de 75-91%.

Como posso trocar Forex e CFDs na Nova Zelândia?

Os CFDs têm várias vantagens quando comparados às opções binárias:

pode-se usar alavancagem para aumentar os pagamentos possíveis, não há tempo de expiração & # 8211; comércio próximo quando você quer uma indústria melhor regulamentada em geral.

Quais recursos podem ser negociados.

Os comerciantes podem optar por trocar entre ações, commodities, índices ou variedade de pares de moedas. Cada corretor oferece diferentes tipos de ativos. A grande coisa sobre as opções binárias é que os comerciantes não estão limitados ao comércio com ativos que estão disponíveis em sua localização. Os comerciantes podem negociar com qualquer recurso subjacente de qualquer lugar do mundo. A diferença é que os ativos disponíveis para negociação dependem da hora local. Por exemplo, se você quiser negociar com iene japonês, você trocará de acordo com o fuso horário do Asian Market.

Pares de moeda.

Eles são os tipos de ativos mais populares. A maioria dos comerciantes prefere trocar com fortes pares de divisas populares: USD / EUR, EUR / GBP, GBP / USD ... As empresas de corretagem de alta qualidade oferecem ampla seleção deste bem. Negociar com pares de moedas basicamente significa que os comerciantes investem seus recursos na taxa de câmbio do par de moedas específicas. Lançamos uma página de negociação Forex e CFDs recentemente & # 8211; Encontre os melhores corretores de Forex e CFDs lá!


Uma das formas mais fáceis de ativos de negociação binária. As commodities mais populares são: óleo, café, gás, ouro, prata, açúcar, milho etc. Eles também são conhecidos como os ativos mais previsíveis entre todos por causa de sua estabilidade usual. As commodities geralmente têm padrões e crescem devido aos fluxos de comércio, dados demográficos, cotas de produção, política, clima ...

Dow Jones, S & amp; P500, Wilshire 5000, Nasdaq, Russell 2000 são apenas alguns índices populares que são principalmente negociados e estão disponíveis através da maioria dos corretores binários. É importante saber que o valor dos índices não está sujeito a mudanças extremas. Há sempre algumas pequenas flutuações que ocorrem entre os índices, de modo que sua previsão é um pouco mais difícil de prever.

Existem milhares de ações conhecidas: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Audi, Gazprom ... Para negociar com ações, é importante descobrir a maioria das informações sobre a empresa. Se uma empresa tiver dados financeiros positivos e um bom plano de investimento, há uma grande probabilidade de que o valor desse estoque aumentará. Os comerciantes profissionais preferem negociar com ações porque têm maior taxa vencedora.

Quais são os tempos de expiração?

Devido ao recurso de prazo de validade, as opções binárias são diferentes das outras opções de negociação. O segredo dos lucros em opções binárias está conseguindo prever com precisão o movimento do valor do bem em determinado período de tempo. Para começar a negociar com um corretor binário, depois de depositar o investimento, o comerciante terá que escolher os ativos que deseja negociar e definir os prazos de caducidade. Há muitos horários de caducidade disponíveis em opções binárias que podem ser usadas pelos comerciantes. Os tempos de caducidade são classificados em três grupos principais:

Tempo de caducidade curto: 15 segundos, 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 2 minutos, 5 minutos, 15 minutos, 30 minutos Prazos médios de expiração: 1 hora, 10 horas, 24 horas, 24 horas +, Fim do dia Prazos de validade longos: Fim de a semana, fim do mês, 30 dias, 150 dias, final do ano.

Podemos dizer que os tempos de caducidade curtos são matematicamente mais difíceis de prever do que os tempos de expiração mais longos e, por isso, eles têm maior porcentagem de taxa vencedora. Ao negociar com contratos com prazo de validade mais longo, podemos dizer que a previsão será muito mais fácil e precisa. Claro, é importante usar o tempo de expiração correto com diferentes ativos. A maioria dos comerciantes inexperientes não tem consciência de que escolher o prazo de validade certo aumentará suas chances de vencer. Os comerciantes devem escolher os corretores binários que oferecem os horários de expiração mais flexíveis. A maioria dos corretores confiáveis ​​e sérios oferece ampla seleção de datas de vencimento de negociação.

Opções de comércio.

Existem muitos tipos de opções de negociação que podem ser usadas durante a negociação:

Muitos comerciantes não sabem muito sobre como escolher a opção de negociação correta. Esta decisão é uma das etapas mais importantes no comércio de opções binárias. Para os novos comerciantes, é mais fácil usar as opções Alta / Baixa. High / Low ou Call and Put trade requer uma das duas possibilidades: se o preço do ativo crescerá ou diminuirá. Se o comerciante prevê que o valor do activo aumentará, ele selecionará Call, se ele achar que o preço do recurso cairá, ele selecionará Put.

O tipo seguinte de opções binárias é a negociação de Opções One Touch. Essa opção de negociação é para comerciantes mais experientes, pois exige previsão de valor específico do ativo. Por exemplo, se o valor do GBP / EUR for 1,4500 no momento, o corretor oferece aos comerciantes duas opções específicas: Call Option que o preço do ativo chegará a 1.4600 uma vez na próxima semana, ou opção de venda: esse valor de ativos específicos será cair e chegar a 1.3800 uma vez na mesma semana. Se você negociou uma das opções e atingiu o valor específico, ganhou e ganhou lucro! Um toque pode oferecer retornos super elevados de até 750%.

Nenhuma opção Touch tem a mesma filosofia, como One Touch, a única diferença é que o recurso selecionado não deve atingir o valor específico no período de validade selecionado.

O que é melhor para iniciantes.

As opções binárias são ideais para comerciantes sem qualquer experiência comercial porque não são complexas como Forex. Existem muitos comerciantes novos que se juntam ao mundo das opções binárias e investem seu dinheiro, mas perdem o primeiro comércio. Para evitar esse cenário, gostaríamos de recomendar o que um comerciante deveria fazer se ele não tiver experiência comercial.

Em primeiro lugar, leia sobre opções binárias, intermediários, horários de vencimento e depósitos. Existem muitos materiais educacionais que você pode descobrir antes de começar a negociar. O sistema de opções binárias é bastante fácil & # 8211; você investe certa quantia de dinheiro em ativos específicos em um período de tempo específico e você tenta prever se seu valor vai subir ou cair.

Mas, antes de investir seus fundos reais, recomendamos abrir uma conta demo com um corretor. Existem muitos corretores binários que oferecem contas de demonstração gratuitas para seus comerciantes que podem ser usados ​​para aprender e adquirir experiência. Existem corretores que oferecem contas de demonstração completamente grátis e # 8211; eles não solicitam um depósito, e há corretores binários que exigem registro e depósito primeiro. Livre ou não, as contas de demonstração são boas para tentar antes de iniciar a negociação real. Eles podem ajudá-lo a aprender sobre a plataforma de negociação, os prazos de caducidade disponíveis, os ativos de negociação disponíveis e muitas outras coisas.

Materiais Educacionais.

A maioria dos corretores oferecem tutoriais e muitos materiais educacionais, como apresentações, tutoriais em vídeo, e-books, webinars on-line, calendários econômicos, etc. Tudo isso pode ajudá-lo a aprender e se tornar um comerciante binário experiente e bem-sucedido.

Encontramos muitos corretores premium que oferecem educação de alta qualidade e não hesite em usá-los. Saiba mais sobre os sinais do gráfico, a volatilidade do mercado, minimizando os riscos e evitando que suas emoções interfiram com seus negócios. Tudo isso combinado irá ensiná-lo a reconhecer o padrão de negociação e isso o tornará mais seguro. Os corretores que oferecem materiais educacionais de alta qualidade são: Banc de Binary, Tradorax, 24option, RBoptions, Bloombex etc.

Negociação móvel.

Muitas coisas mudaram desde 2008, quando a história com opções binárias começou. Hoje temos menos tempo e mais compromissos em nossas vidas. Devido à tecnologia de desenvolvimento técnico, fez alguns passos para a frente e disponibilizou negociação binária nos nossos smartphones. O comércio binário pode ser seguido e comercializado de qualquer lugar do mundo. Se você é pessoa com horário ocupado e # 8211; baixe o software de negociação binária em seu tablet ou smartphone e economize seu tempo. O comércio móvel está disponível com a maioria dos corretores binários no mercado. Muitos corretores desenvolveram software de negociação para android e iPhones que está disponível no Google Play e na App Store, geralmente gratuitamente. Você também pode obter software de negociação automática em seu smartphone e trocar ou verificar seu histórico de negócios de qualquer lugar que desejar.

Corpos de opções de opções binárias respeitáveis.

A principal idéia do portal Fair Binary Options é trazer informações mais precisas sobre cada corretor binário no mercado. Nós queríamos fazer um lugar seguro para todos os comerciantes para que eles pudessem ter a melhor experiência de troca binária sem fraudes e possíveis fraudes. Estamos coletando empresas de corretagem de todo o mundo para que nossos comerciantes tenham um amplo alcance no mercado. Os comerciantes podem optar por negociar com diferentes tipos de corretores.

Auto Trading Opções Binárias.

Este portal também recomenda certos robôs binários de negociação automática. O comércio automotivo tornou-se muito popular nos últimos anos e definitivamente é útil para os comerciantes que não possuem experiência de negociação com opções binárias. Recomendamos robôs a comerciantes inexperientes porque esta é a melhor maneira de aprender e obter experiência sobre opções binárias e métodos de negociação.

Os robôs automáticos oferecem corretores binários confiáveis, sinais binários e muitos excelentes recursos comerciais. O objetivo principal do robô de negociação automática é receber sinais binários dos provedores de sinais e usá-los no nome do comerciante, quando a melhor oportunidade de mercado for obtida.

Há robôs binários que são gratuitos, incluindo sinais binários, e também há software binário para o qual os comerciantes precisam pagar uma certa quantia de dinheiro. Recomendamos aos comerciantes que leiam atentamente as nossas revisões detalhadas e escolham apenas corretores confiáveis ​​e recomendados e robôs de negociação automáticos testados. Sempre há possibilidade de ficar enganados, então queremos evitar isso, escrevendo o quanto possível de corretores binários e revisões de software robô. Os comerciantes podem encontrar uma seção sobre robôs de negociação de automóveis onde atualizamos novas revisões de robôs que passaram nossos testes de segurança.

Informação legal.

Existem milhares de empresas de corretagem disponíveis para negociação no mercado e o número de corretores está aumentando rapidamente. Devido a isso, queríamos apontar que existem muitos traficantes de fraudes a espreita, de modo que os comerciantes devem ter cuidado ao escolher o corretor certo. Existem corretores que são regulados pelo principal órgão regulador desse país. Normalmente, os corretores regulados possuem altos padrões de segurança e os fundos do comerciante são segregados para contas especiais onde são seguras. O órgão regulador da Nova Zelândia é chamado de Financial Markets Authority (FMA) e regula a indústria binária da Nova Zelândia a partir de maio de 2018. Todos os corretores que desejam operar na Nova Zelândia devem obter uma licença para operar legalmente.

Notícias de Opções Binárias.

Os 10 melhores corretores.

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Visite nossos patrocinadores.

Copyright © 2018-2018 Todos os direitos reservados Opções binárias justas - ua.

Disclaimer: Este site é independente dos corretores binários apresentados nela. Antes de negociar com qualquer um dos corretores, os potenciais clientes devem assegurar que compreendam os riscos e verificam se o corretor está licenciado.

O site não oferece serviços de investimento ou recomendações pessoais aos clientes para negociar opções binárias. As informações sobre FairBinaryOptions não devem ser vistas como uma recomendação para trocar opções binárias ou ser consideradas como conselhos de investimento. O FairBinaryOptions não possui licenças nem autorizações para fornecer aconselhamento sobre investidores e assuntos relacionados. O potencial cliente não deve investir direta ou indiretamente em instrumentos financeiros, a não ser que conheça e compreenda os riscos envolvidos para cada um dos instrumentos financeiros promovidos no site.

comerciantes do seu país.

Robô de opções binárias.

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Recomendamos que você troque com esse corretor.

Para obter a melhor experiência comercial, recomendamos que você visite um dos nossos corretores mais confiáveis.

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Opções Binárias Nova Zelândia.

O comércio de opções binárias está se tornando mais popular na Nova Zelândia e na Austrália. É tão simples de começar, e existe uma possibilidade real de ganhar muito dinheiro. Existem muitos corretores de opções binárias, mas nem todos são bons.

Opções binárias na Nova Zelândia.

Se você quiser participar de negociação de opções binárias, você está oferecendo uma vantagem considerável. No entanto, apesar de sua relativa simplicidade, ainda há algumas coisas que você deve saber. Aqui estão alguns dos aspectos legais e práticos da negociação de opções binárias na Nova Zelândia.

Opções Binárias Trading Legal na Nova Zelândia?

Quando se trata de negociação, a maioria das pessoas se sente excluída desta forma particular de interação financeira. Muitas vezes, é difícil entender e requer uma certa experiência e conhecimento. No entanto, graças ao comércio de opções binárias, isso está mudando lentamente. Agora, a maioria das pessoas é capaz de participar facilmente na negociação devido à falta de complexidade envolvida com as opções binárias.

Esta é uma tendência que está varrendo o mundo e a Nova Zelândia está aquecendo esse tipo de negociação também.

Primeiro, primeiro, você precisará verificar se você está legalmente autorizado a praticar negociação de opções binárias na Nova Zelândia. As entidades governamentais e financeiras da Nova Zelândia reconheceram o potencial dessa forma particular de negociação e tornaram legal no país. Isso significa que corretores licenciados dentro do país são policiados por autoridades apropriadas também.

Na Nova Zelândia, as opções e corretores binários que lidam com opções binárias estão sob a jurisdição da Financial Markets Authority (FMA). É este órgão que define as políticas, leis e regulamentos que cada corretor de opções binárias licenciado precisa seguir. Os corretores de opções binárias que não aderem aos regulamentos estabelecidos pela FMA terão que lidar com as conseqüências legais.

Para ser regulado pela FMA, corretores de opções binárias na Nova Zelândia também devem ser licenciados pela FMA. Para ser elegível para tais credenciais, os corretores em questão devem primeiro seguir certos protocolos. Se eles atendem os padrões necessários e fornecem a documentação necessária, a FMA dará ao corretor seu selo de aprovação.

Escolhendo um corretor de opções binárias na Nova Zelândia.

Um dos aspectos complicados do comércio de opções binárias é que um grande número de corretores permanecem sem licença. Você encontrará corretores de opções binárias NZ que operam na Nova Zelândia que não estão certificados. No entanto, é vital que você opte por um corretor que fica sob a jurisdição da FMA. Desta forma, você será capaz de ser tranquilizado, sabendo que não só é o corretor um provedor de serviços legítimo, mas também que deve seguir certas diretrizes.

Há também uma abundância de opções binárias comerciantes que não são baseados na Nova Zelândia, mas atendem aos que vivem na Nova Zelândia, no entanto. É importante certificar-se de que esses corretores no exterior também estão licenciados. Embora eles não tenham que seguir os regulamentos estabelecidos pelas FMA, eles devem responder a outra autoridade financeira. Os mais comuns são os CySEC, ASIC, BDF, CONSOB, IIROC e PSZAF. É muito fácil verificar o número de registro de licenciamento em vários sites do governo para verificar sua legitimidade. É imperativo que você primeiro verifique se um corretor de opções binárias é ou não legítimo antes de oferecer qualquer informação sensível ou fazer quaisquer depósitos monetários.

Além de ser credenciado, no entanto, existem alguns outros fatores que você precisará prestar atenção ao escolher um corretor de opções binárias. Por exemplo, você deve olhar para os bônus que eles estão oferecendo, a taxa média de pagamento e vários outros recursos que são oferecidos. É importante ler os termos e condições de cada uma dessas categorias. Muitas vezes, seus ganhos podem ser vinculados devido a restrições que foram estabelecidas pelo corretor.

Como tal, é importante ler as letras finas para saber o que você está entrando. Além disso, você deve se certificar de que você pode pagar o valor mínimo do depósito que é exigido pelo corretor.

Também é uma boa idéia dar uma olhada em se uma conta demo é ou não oferecida ao lado de sua conta real. Isso irá oferecer-lhe a chance de obter alguma prática com negociação de opções binárias antes de arriscar dinheiro real em negociações. Além de ajudá-lo a poupar algum dinheiro, também lhe dará a oportunidade de ficar mais confortável com o software que o corretor está usando.

Participação nas operações de opções binárias.

Selecionar o corretor de opções binário certo é apenas o início da negociação de opções binárias. Existem várias outras etapas que você precisa passar. Isso inclui decidir qual o tipo de ativos em que você deseja estar envolvido. Na Nova Zelândia, você geralmente tem a opção de negociar com commodities, ações e índices. Você terá que decidir qual tipo de ativos melhor se adequa aos seus pontos fortes, interesses e conhecimento atual. Você também deve se envolver em uma grande quantidade de pesquisa para decidir qual é a melhor opção. Isso geralmente é ditado pelas atuais tendências e desempenho da economia mundial e dos mercados globais. Muitas vezes, um comerciante primeiro decidirá sobre sua classe de ativos mesmo antes de escolher seu corretor. Desta forma, eles serão capazes de garantir que o corretor que eles querem realmente lida com os recursos que eles escolheram.

Uma vez feito isso, você terá que pensar sobre os tipos de negociações em que deseja se envolver. As opções mais comuns são One Touch, High Low e Range Option. O tipo de opção geralmente será determinado pelas estratégias que você deseja utilizar. Você pode escolher qual opção corresponde melhor à sua técnica favorita. A próxima coisa na sua agenda será escolher os prazos de caducidade para os seus negócios binários. Estes podem variar entre 30 segundos a cinco minutos ou até muito mais do que isso. Mais uma vez, isso será estabelecido pela sua classe de ativos e estratégia escolhida.

Riscos atenuantes associados à negociação de opções binárias NZ.

Uma das desvantagens do comércio de opções binárias é a propensão para o comércio de tudo ou nada. Isso significa que você faz um lucro total ou perde seu investimento inteiro, tudo de uma vez. Existem vários corretores que oferecem a opção de reverter parte do dinheiro que você perdeu nos negócios de dinheiro. Há também outros que permitem que você recupere o mau comércio com antecedência, o que lhe permite reter um pouco do seu dinheiro. Portanto, para evitar perder todo o seu dinheiro, estas são algumas vias que você pode querer considerar. Outra técnica é limitar a quantidade de dinheiro que você coloca em um comércio. É importante nunca trocar com mais dinheiro do que você está disposto a perder.

Há muitos benefícios a serem colhidos do comércio de opções binárias, particularmente na Nova Zelândia. No entanto, é vital que você tome as medidas necessárias para manter você e seu investimento seguros. Desta forma, você reduz o risco de perder e aumenta a possibilidade de que você possa lucrar.


Postagens recentes.


Postagens recentes.

Disclaimer: Forex e negociação de opções binárias é arriscado. Não investe dinheiro que não pode perder. Além disso, você não possui ou possui direitos sobre os ativos subjacentes. Compreenda completamente os riscos envolvidos e procure conselho independente, se necessário.

Relatório de país de opções binárias da Nova Zelândia & # 8211; Corretores na Nova Zelândia.

As opções binárias são legais na Nova Zelândia?

As opções binárias são uma forma nova e emocionante de fazer investimentos rentáveis, o que é muito fácil de entender e, portanto, acessível a todos, enquanto possui um nível de risco relativamente baixo e conhecido desde o início. Em muitos países grandes em todo o mundo, por exemplo nos EUA, no Reino Unido e na Austrália, hordas de investidores entram no mundo emocionante do comércio de opções binárias on-line, querendo pegar um pedaço da ação. Este aumento do interesse e da demanda levou ao surgimento de um grande número de corretores que oferecem uma ampla gama de serviços que atendem a uma série de diferentes necessidades comerciais. A Nova Zelândia pode ser uma nação menor, no entanto, os comerciantes desta jurisdição estão demonstrando um grande interesse nas oportunidades que a negociação de opções binárias se abre a todos.

Se você está interessado em negociar opções binárias em ou da Nova Zelândia, leia nosso relatório de país dedicado abaixo, que agrupa todas as informações relevantes disponíveis sobre o assunto, para permitir que você garanta que sua experiência comercial seja bem sucedida e lucrativa. O conhecimento dos detalhes do mercado é o poder e é fundamental para o seu futuro fracasso ou sucesso.

Seu primeiro ponto de consideração antes de decidir investir em opções binárias deve ser se há alguma preocupação legal para estar ciente. As autoridades de serviços financeiros pertinentes na Nova Zelândia já abordaram o lado legal das opções binárias através da regulação do campo para que os consumidores possam trocar com confiança. Portanto, a negociação de opções binárias é considerada legal na Nova Zelândia, mas também a política do governo do país considera este novo segmento da indústria comercial como um componente crucial do bem-estar geral dos mercados financeiros.


Apesar do pequeno tamanho da Nova Zelândia como país, as autoridades financeiras foram rápidas e decisivas na avaliação das dimensões e potencialidades das negociações de opções binárias e rapidamente procedeu a estabelecer regulamentações e diretrizes claras para consumidores e corretores. Esta atitude voltada para a frente que acolhe o comércio de opções binárias, desde que respeite as regras, não tenha sido observada em muitos outros países maiores, que ainda permanecem sem regulamentos específicos neste segmento da indústria.

Dentro do mandato de supervisionar todas as transações financeiras na Nova Zelândia, a Autoridade de Mercados Financeiros (FMA) do país é o órgão regulador da negociação de opções binárias.

A FMA opera de acordo com a Lei de Conduta dos Mercados Financeiros da Nova Zelândia, que determina que qualquer corretor de opção binária que deseje assinar os comerciantes da Nova Zelândia em sua plataforma deve ser previamente licenciado pela autoridade do país. Os corretores precisam se registrar na categoria de derivativos, que inclui não apenas opções binárias, mas também vários outros instrumentos de investimento, como futuros. Em um movimento sábio e proativo, a FMA assegurou-se de deliberadamente manter a definição do termo "derivativos" na legislação ampla o suficiente, para forçar todos os corretores que desejam operar no país a ter que registrar seu funcionamento corretamente, independentemente da tipo de serviço que eles estão oferecendo.

Para se qualificarem para a obtenção de uma licença, os corretores interessados ​​devem cumprir um conjunto específico de normas mínimas, como ser capaz de operar efetivamente como uma empresa e demonstrar e convencer as autoridades de que uma entidade que aplica é inteiramente legítima e não está em de qualquer forma, representam uma ameaça para os consumidores ou para os mercados de capitais.

No entanto, o processo de licenciamento e regulamentação não termina quando uma licença é aprovada e obtida. É um procedimento em curso, onde o FMA determina várias obrigações que os corretores licenciados devem garantir que estejam em conformidade, para poderem permanecer em operação e manter a validade de sua licença. Tais obrigações em curso pertencem, inter alia, à gestão dos fundos dos clientes e com precisão e atualização das declarações de divulgação do produto em vigor.

Nos últimos tempos, a FMA procedeu ao aperto dos requisitos necessários para serem atendidos pelos corretores para obter e / ou manter seus licenciamentos. Todas as atividades de corretagem estão constantemente a ser submetidas a um exame minucioso, para garantir a conformidade em todos os momentos e garantir uma alta qualidade de serviços oferecidos aos clientes, protegendo seus direitos, impedindo scammers e corretores fraudulentos de estabelecer negócios na Nova Zelândia.

A Autoridade dos Mercados Financeiros.

A Financial Markets Authority (FMA) é o sucessor da antiga entidade que regulava os investimentos na Nova Zelândia até maio de 20011, conhecida como Comissão de Valores Mobiliários. Em maio de 2018, foi decidido que um novo órgão, o FMA substituiria esta Comissão e que, em última instância, assumiria um papel muito mais amplo do que a sua antiga organização.

As duas entidades mais prominentes na estrutura de regulamentação dos mercados financeiros da Nova Zelândia são as FMA e o Reserve Bank of New Zealand, que é a principal autoridade sobre o setor bancário do país.

A FMA é a agência governamental responsável por supervisionar todos os regulamentos financeiros em uma ampla gama de mercados e setores que incluem, entre outros, títulos, bolsas, consultores financeiros, corretores, emissores e curadores. É encomendado a tarefa de regular todos os mercados e fazer cumprir os requisitos do quadro legislativo em seu domínio, ao mesmo tempo em que protegem os direitos dos consumidores. É a sua estratégia, a FMA presta especial atenção à transparência e à equidade no funcionamento da indústria que supervisiona, porque percebe o quão importante é garantir que os investidores se sintam confiantes do sistema regulatório no local e confia para sinalizar todos os riscos potenciais e investigue-os adequadamente.

A FMA se esforça para tornar o setor de serviços financeiros na Nova Zelândia crescer em bases sólidas e ser capaz de competir efetivamente na escala de mercado global, reconhecendo também que, quando os mercados de capitais operam de forma eficiente, isso também leva à prosperidade econômica geral para um país quanto à criação de emprego e à construção de riqueza. Neste contexto, a FMA quer permitir que os consumidores possam encontrar oportunidades para diversificar suas carteiras, e é por isso que as opções binárias assumiram um lugar privilegiado, devido à sua simplicidade e acessibilidade para os comerciantes de todos os níveis de habilidade, conhecimento e experiência.

Apesar de estar em torno apenas por um pequeno número de anos, a presença de FMA resultou em melhorias e benefícios visíveis para os participantes do mercado, porque o regulador trabalha duro e trabalha bem. Por conseguinte, os mercados da Nova Zelândia sofreram níveis elevados de conformidade, ao mesmo tempo em que houve uma melhoria acentuada na qualidade e disponibilidade dos recursos oferecidos aos consumidores, aumentando a sua consciência dos investimentos e permitindo-lhes tomar decisões informadas no que diz respeito à sua negociação.

Provedores de serviços financeiros.

Embora a Lei de Provedores de Serviços Financeiros tenha sido aprovada em setembro de 2008, não foi até agosto de 2018 que o Registro de Provedores de Serviços Financeiros da Nova Zelândia (FSPR) começou a aceitar pedidos de registro. Além disso, o registro foi obrigatório para todos os corretores e entidades que desejem prestar serviços financeiros na jurisdição em dezembro de 2018.

Em poucas palavras, o objetivo da FSPR é manter um registro completo de todos os prestadores de serviços financeiros na Nova Zelândia, a fim de aumentar a transparência da informação. Através da criação deste órgão, o processo de obtenção de registro e licenciamento em um só lugar foi simplificado para corretores e outros prestadores de serviços financeiros também.

Os critérios de elegibilidade estabelecidos foram deliberadamente mantidos amplos e abrangentes, a fim de abranger todos os tipos de prestadores de serviços, uma vez que os únicos requisitos reais para solicitar o registro são ter um endereço de negócios localizado fisicamente na Nova Zelândia e estar no negócio de fornecendo produtos financeiros. Uma outra rede de proteção adicionada exige que todas as organizações que desejam se registrar também passem uma verificação de antecedentes criminais.

Seleção do corretor.

As opções binárias ainda são um segmento relativamente novo da indústria e, portanto, o número de corretores verdadeiramente locais que operam a partir e dentro da Nova Zelândia ainda é limitado. No entanto, se eles não têm um problema com o fato de que seus fundos não permanecerão em sua nação, os comerciantes poderiam recorrer a um dos muitos corretores offshore que atendem às necessidades comerciais dos neozelandeses.

No entanto, se você decidir ir com um corretor offshore, verifique se eles são legítimos e eles são regulados por um órgão regulador offshore. Muitos corretores offshore que já operam na Nova Zelândia possuem licenças de países da União Européia, como o Reino Unido ou Chipre, que seguem regras e procedimentos similares aos seguidos pela FMA quando se trata de regulamentação.

Além dos EUA, na maioria dos países onde a negociação de opções binárias é regulamentada, os ativos negociáveis ​​disponíveis são provenientes das quatro categorias de ativos, a saber, ações, moedas, índices e commodities. Se você está prestes a começar a negociar opções binárias na Nova Zelândia, seria útil saber um pouco mais sobre essas quatro categorias e tipos:

Enquanto as ações estão listadas em uma variedade de trocas em todo o mundo, as ações negociáveis ​​em opções binárias são principalmente provenientes dos Estados Unidos, Europa, Ásia ou Oriente Médio. Como cada corretor de opções binário oferece um menu diferente de ações negociáveis, você deve verificar o que está em oferta antes de abrir uma conta se você for depois de um estoque específico para trocar. Como os estoques de negociação em opções binárias podem ser bastante difíceis para comerciantes inexperientes, é sempre melhor trocar ações com as quais você conhece, como ações que são inerentes ao seu país.


Devido à existência dos mercados de negociação forex e ao facto de os pares de divisas mais populares serem negociados de forma muito ampla, existem informações amplas, prontamente disponíveis e acessíveis a todos os comerciantes sobre esses activos, tornando a negociação em opções binárias menos complexas do que a negociação de ações ou outras classes de ativos. Há também pares de moeda mais exóticos, que exigem conhecimentos mais especializados e podem trazer maiores rendimentos.

Quase todas as plataformas de opções binárias oferecerão listagens nas bolsas dos EUA, a saber, Dow, S & P500 e NASDAQ, uma vez que estas são usadas pela maioria dos corretores estrangeiros e são mais fáceis de seguir e aprender. No entanto, dependendo do corretor que você optar por negociar com você, você também terá acesso a várias outras trocas globais, incluindo as da Europa, Ásia e Oriente Médio.


Commodities bear a big impact and have a great importance in the economy, regardless of where you are from. Currently, most binary options trading platforms offer trading in a handful of popular commodities, such as gold, oil, silver, sugar, coffee and wheat.

Due to the small size of the country and its economy, New Zealand is highly sensitive and susceptible to even the smallest changes in the fields of agriculture, tourism and the country’s film industry, that could at any time destabilize its entire economy. You must keep this in mind as a local trader and make sure you stay on top of news, developments and information pertaining to the assets you decide to trade.

Binary Options Brokers for New Zealand:

Top Binary Options Brokers For 2018 - BinaryOptionsWire.

The Future of binary options in New Zealand.

Since New Zealand already has an established and strong regulatory structure governing the trading of binary options, we do not expect dramatic changes in the regulatory field, besides those updates of the rules necessary to adjust and remain up to pace with the development and evolution of the market itself.

However, it is interesting to point out that New Zealanders who are into trading have been found to have an aggressive trading style and show a strong preference to trading currencies, over other asset types. New Zealand traders also have a reputation for being extremely confident and not afraid of adopting higher risk strategies. Since these trading traits are especially liked by brokers, it is natural to expect that the New Zealand market will attract more brokers setting up shop in the country, while offshore brokers will intensify their targeted efforts to solicit New Zealand clients.

, also known among professionals under her nickname “Moneymaker”, is an experienced stock broker and Forex trader. Promoting and guiding new traders to the binary options market is Nancy”s way of saying “thank you” to the industry that helped her realise her dreams.


BinaryTilt Review.

BinaryTilt is an unregulated broker owned and operated by Chemmi Holdings Limited located on address 47 Churchfield Road, London, England, W3 6AY – Company number: 9870892. Business Address: 2nd Floor, 1-2 Broadgate, London, Greater London, EC2M 2QS, United Kingdom. Support can be reached via email at; csupport@binarytilt. Chemmi Holdings appears to own several other Binary Options domains as well; MaxCFD and BinaryOptionFlow.

Is BinaryTilt a Scam?

The company is not regulated, they and are often warned or hunted by the authorities, an example from one such case was from ASIC in Australia that announced that BinaryTilt “could be involved in a scam”.

Another worrying fact is that the traffic is significantly lower than before, probably due to the crackdown on BinaryTilt by regulators. You should also note that the number of very serious complaints against this company has increased lately and are mostly about withdrawals being impossible or scam account managers! This could also be a second reason for the drop in their traffic and it also strengthens the fact that you may want to avoid them.

Editor’s Note – Why Does BinaryTilt Suck in 50 Words.

Well, the website took ages to load and it isn’t quite as flashy as some other top brokers. Maybe it’s just an overload, but I’ve tried a couple of times and the speed was bad. Also, they aren’t yet regulated and don’t seem to care about regulations at all. Update 2017: Seems they went from one extreme to another. Now, the background is a fast moving graphics that gives me a headache so I tried scrolling down but on each part there is something that pops out from left or right or some graphics, damn I’m lucky I didn’t have a seizure!

Why Doesn’t BinaryTilt Suck in 50 Words.

BinaryTilt is not a new broker that has been on our radar since 2018. The company was started in 2018 as a New Zealand based binary options broker but has since moved in order to comply with EU regulations. They are operated by a holding company in London and used to operate under the guidelines of CySEC even without official sanction. This does not mean that they obey CySec’s rules. On the contrary, they’re still offering bonuses which are banned by CySec, and there are other signs indicating that they are actively working to evade regulations. For example, the recent change of their address and new incoming regulatory warnings.

Should I Open an Account With BinaryTilt?

Regarding the platform I found it to be quite good. They have all the standard trading styles including high/low, range, one touch and On Demand. They also have the newer Ladder Options, CFD/Forex trading a new feature that allows for binary limit orders. The high/low, range and one touch all come with intraday and end of day expirations while the On Demand options are where you will find the short term 60 second, 5 minute, 10 minute and 30 minute options. The long term options have end of day, end of week, end of month and on out for several months, great for long term and swing traders.

These can all be traded with a fairly decent asset list. They have 26 forex pairs, covering all the major crosses. There are 33 stocks as well, mostly US and EU based companies. They also have 3 commodities and 11 indices. Commodities included gold, silver and oil while indices are primarily US and EU with a few Middle Eastern and Asian as well. Range and one touch options are a little different from other brokers. Each is available to trade when markets are open and are based on a range. If you are trading one touch, a range will be projected on either side of asset price so you can buy in at any time prior to the options expiry all that is required is for the asset price to touch the range once before expiry.

Banking with this broker is easy and well explained. They accept the usual credit cards and wire transfers but also include Skrill, not to mention ChinaUnionPay for those traders based in China. Withdrawals can be made through Skrill, Credit Card and Bankwire. The only limitations are that you use the same account to deposit and withdraw funds. Minimum deposit is $250, minimum withdrawal $50. Usually, using Skrill or similar e-Wallets means quicker withdrawals but according to BinaryTilt, all withdrawals may take 7-10 days whichever method you should choose for the process – which is a downside.

Something important to note here is that if you deposit and change your mind and want to withdraw, you will have to pay a fee of 50 Euros unless you take some trades first. There is also an annual dormant account fee of 25USD. Your account is considered dormant after 6 months of inactivity.

Moreover, their bonus terms and conditions have changed and they are not beneficial to traders such not being able to withdraw when accepting a bonus and that the terms can change at any time. In conclusion, since they are not regulated and since most comments found online are about difficulty to withdraw, we would suggest you pick a recommended broker instead of BinaryTilt.

BinaryTilt Complaints.

To be honest, in the beginning, I couldn’t find too many complaints about the broker, and nothing registered officially but this has changed over the years. There are some complaints about the nature of New Zealand regulation but of course, they have given up on that themselves. Today, it’s different when it comes to complaints on this firm! There are more complaints regarding withdrawals and also regarding bad support. Overall, it seems that once trading goes well and come withdrawal time, you have to deal with very pushy account managers that don’t process your withdrawals. As we mentioned earlier above, Chemmi Holdings also owns additional Binary Options websites and domains that are not regulated. These sites; MaxCFD and BinaryOptionFlow are not regulated and look like copies of BinaryTilt with a new name and slightly different design. All of the three websites owned by Chemmi Holdings are accused of being scams. The complainers tell a similar story about their experiences with either of the firms: not being able to withdraw funds, aggressive phone sales and support that can’t be reached and scam bonus schemes. In conclusion, you may never be able to get your money back if you invest with BinaryTilt or any other firm owned by Chemmi Holdings.

BinaryTilt Regulatory Announcements and Warnings.

06.07.2018: Australia’s ASIC warns unregulated BinaryTilt. The company has decided to co-operate with ASIC and take steps to ensure they are no longer providing financial services in Australia. Source: ASIC. gov.

22.01.2018: Canada’s OSC warns about BinaryTilt and their owner Depix Holdings ltd for offering services in Ontario without license. Source: OSC. gov. on. ca .

05.01.2018: Japan’s JFSA warns against Chemmi Holdings/BinaryTilt. Source: FSA. go. jp.

27.04.2017: BSBC warns against BinaryTilt and Chemmi Holdings Ltd. Source: BSBC. bc. ca.

15.05.2017: BinaryTilt appears on the Consob’s list of warnings. Source: Consob. it.

06.06.2017: ASIC warns against Chemmi Holdings Ltd (owners of BinaryTilt) saying “this company could be involved in a scam”. Source: Moneysmart. gov. au.

BinaryTilt Bonus.

The broker offers a number of bonuses for new and recurring members. The most commonly offered is the 100% first-time deposit bonus but there are others. The first time deposit bonus does not have a minimum other than the standard minimum deposit of $250. It will take a larger deposit to unlock risk free trades and other promotions; you get 2 for $1000 deposit, 3 for $5000 deposit and 4 for deposits over $10,000. These work by refunding your account, with bonus money, any losses incurred by your first four trades. Bonus terms for withdrawal are 40X trade volume on bonus amount only. You can withdraw your deposit money at any time but if you have not met the bonus terms then you will forfeit the bonus and all profits and any losses will be subtracted from your deposit balance. Once a bonus is accepted, you may not be able to withdraw any funds and the terms and conditions for the bonuses may change at any time.

BinaryTilt Withdrawal.

Withdrawals are available via three methods: Credit card, Wire transfer or Skrill and regardless of which method, it may take 7 to 10 business day to be processed which is longer than most other brokers who usually promise 3-5 business days or instant up to 24 hours for Skrill withdrawals.

All you have to do is verify your accounts as you would for any broker. Minimum withdrawal is $50 and comes with no fee once per month, after that 30USD per withdrawal. Wires and CC withdrawals may have a charge from your bank or processor. Warning: any withdrawal request prior to making any trades on your account will be subjected to a 50 EUR fee!

Trading Bitcoin With BinaryTilt.

The SpotOption platform supports a lot of cryptocurrencies, and BinaryTilt takes full advantage of this, offering a bunch of tradable coins. Up/Down Binary Options are available for Bitcoin and Litecoin only, with very high payouts of 62% (yes, this is considered high for cryptos because they are very volatile).

However, things change when it comes to FX/CFD trading, as BinaryTilt offers more than 50 cryptos and crypto pairs. Users will find Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dash, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic and others, but also pairs like BTC vs EUR, BTC vs ETH, BTC vs LTC, etc. (the list is very long so I am not gonna drop it all here). The available leverage is very high for cryptos, starting at 50:1 and going up to 300:1. This is very good but be careful that leverage increases potential rewards and more importantly, it increases the risk.

BinaryTilt Ratings.

The platform itself is a common SpotOption platform which is nothing special in today’s industry comparing to the unique platforms that brokers use as of lately. The first page of the website is a bit too flashy which is annoying and slows down the loading but overall it’s pretty well-organized and you can find every info you need. Another downside, the website is only in English.

No of Assets And Expiry Times 16/20.

Total of 59 assets including 26 Forex Pairs, 33 stocks. There were no commodities or indices listed under their “Asset Index”. They have good expiry for day traders and longer traders like myself. There are multiple daily expiries as well as 60 second, 5 minute, 10 minute and 30 minute from purchase. Longer term expiry goes out for 6 months or more in some cases. These are more than good for the day traders, ample even. Some expiries are not available for minor assets.

Commissions Support and Effective Return 17/20.

This broker, like all binary brokers, does not charge any fees or commissions for trading. Support was OK, my chat was interrupted a few times, but overall I was OK with the support. Return on investment ranges from 70-85% depending on asset, trade type and expiry, very good actually. Most high/low options pay 70-80% with range and one touch going up to 100%. Larger account sizes can qualify for additional payouts (up to 3% more), risk-free trades and end of month cash back rebates.

Deposit, Payment And Bonus 14/20.

Minimum deposit is $250 and minimum withdrawal is only $50. Withdrawals fees are only $30 or equivalent. Notice that; any withdrawal request prior to making any trades on your account will be subjected to a 50 EUR fee! You can withdraw via Skrill, Credit Card and Wire Transfer. Bonuses are offered, including 4 risk-free trades, and come with a 40X volume minimum for the bonus amount only. Your money is locked after accepting a bonus and the bonus terms may change at any time.

There is the “Advanced charts” feature which comes with many indicators and technical tools.

BinaryTilt Overall Ratings = 77/100.

They are based in New Zealand and seem ok, but i have not seen any reviews on them to make a decision if i should try them out yet?

Don’t Risk. I had a nasty experience with them. dodgy Trader made me lose my money. Keep away from them. very inexperienced.

Very bad experience with this broker.

If you contact them without an account with them , That’s when you get the VIP treatment, all that just to get you to make the initial investment, and that will be your last time you’d ever have a 1 to 1 conversion with any of them.

Worse is: try withdrawing your earnings; That’s a NO GO ZONE. Forget about that.

I invested $250 with Binary Tilt on 17 May 2017, the broker who contacted me sweet talked me into trusting him, making promises that I would earn up to $4000 in my first month and that I would not have to do anything as it was Auto Trading. After I had paid I heard no more from him and I had no response to the numerous emails I sent to all the company’s email addresses provided. They simply dumped me completely after I had paid the $250.

How do I get them to refund my investment as I was clearly hood winked.

I have joined binarytilt a month back the day or two a guy sent and called me up for trade in two of this it was very minimal profit after which I was asked to deposit more money, after the deposit I got a mail saying put XXX trades .

With that trade my 70% of money is lost.

As per the profit model mike Ross told me even if the loss has happen they would cover of.

After th loss I was daily calling and messaging till. Now no response.

Now I don’t know what to do .

I plan to go to a lawyer locally to see what can be done. They do not make any payments…their goal is to get your funds and never pay it back…even if you loose 90% of your money they will not return the remaining amount…stay away from them…

wrong – they were deregistered in new zealand.

Hard to make decision.

After a long experience in trading I have decided to try BinaryTilt .

Seems to be honest with clients , first time that I am making profit never ha it before .

I will recommend to try.

I just checked online and found out that the FSPR329926 was registered under a company SCENT INVESTMENTS LIMITED. More shocking is this FSPR was deregistered since 25 September 2018?

Could anyone advise?

Chang, they move to england, i think that new zealand was uncomfortable for them…they are owned by different holding co. in St vincent & grenadines…..offices in London like all of them. hiding and in my book not very transparent at all, last night when England left the EU, their Dashboard was stuck and i could not use it also the platform took minutes to operate it was super slow…one knows, it, s imperative to be able to do your betting very fast in this buss..every seconds count…it was not ..

The account managers will say anything to get you to send your money. They promise that they will use a system that is safe. They don’t. They trade recklessly and aggressively. You will lose all of your money. If you are lucky and you actually make a profit, BinaryTilt will not return your investment or your profits. I have been waiting for 6 weeks and all I get is excuses. No one ever answers the phone and my account manager is nowhere to be found.

Stay away from BinaryTilt, that is the best investment you can make!

I agree with you . . I have been waiting for a withdrawal of my own money ( to cut my losses i want to withdraw whatever is remaining from what I had initially deposited ) for over 5 weeks and they don’t seem to be contactable . .

yes i agree no good response.

Binary Tilt is registered on 26 Nov 2018.

No they are not registered I jus checked.

can i trust BinaryTilt ?? Is it register ? can somme one help please ?

BinaryTilt have changed their platform a couple of days ago. Their website now says that they are owned and operated by Chemmi Holdings Limited of UK. They are now doing some very strange things like they have taken away my risk free trades without any notice. My balance is not showing on the trading platform. The live chat is not manned and nobody answers the phone calls. AND today I can not login. Does anyone know what is going on with BT?

i chat today morning with binary tilt. i told her about your complaints and she told me that the account manager call you already at the morning of monday she told me truth or lie?

Hi Alex, yes it is true that the account manager spoke to me. I spoke to many other people at BT besides my account manager. They promised me that they would solve the problems, but no clear timeline was given. I will wait for a few more days and then come back and post my update.

I want to know do u have any problem with withdrawals with binary tilt ?

I did not make any withdrawal so do not know how good they are in this respect.

Don’t be fooled by the NZ registration. Whenever you call them, it goes offshore. I signed up with them and made some money. One day the system decides to automatically change my trade amount to almost my full balance. I couldn’t cancel out of it when I noticed it and I lost that trade.

When I complained to them on LiveChat, they said there was a system change but instead of crediting my money back, they gave me a bonus. Unfortunately their bonus terms are unrealistic if you want to withdraw that money. They refused to give me a copy of the livechat as well.

I’d would stay away from these guys as they have all the makings of a dodgy company.

Yes, I agree. They moved their HQ from NZ to UK and also they now operate under the name “Depix Holdings Limited” which is Cyprus company. I would consider this a very good strategy to dodge NZ or UK regulations. Additionally, they recently changed their platform without providing any advance notice. I have been a trader with them for a long time; initially they act very good to attract your money and then while your account balance goes up they do things that you lose your investment. They even manipulate their trading platform and when you contact them they blame it on the new system which has many “bugs”. Very lame excuse…why run a system and risk other peoples’ money when your system is not fully ready. I have screenshots of their trading platform which went blank on me while trading or acted very bizarre.

I would call BinaryTilt a scam without any doubt.

One important thing all our experts missed here. BinaryTilt is supposedly registered in New Zealand, but they do not accept any traders from NZ. Shouldn’t it ring a bell of warning?

Yeah, I thought they were regulated by the FMA but I guess not. They are using the same tactics as described in this article: financemagnates/forex/regulation/new-zealand-regulatory-backlash-against-forex-brokers-hits-a-roadblock/

Also, when I tried withdrawing the support team suddenly vanished (live chats okay though). Only until I got a hold of compliance did they withdraw my funds.

can you please advise what process you went through to get your money back.

it seems they are no longer based in new zealand.

i wonder why and it is not mentioned on their website.

please everyone, i will advice that if you like your money please and please dont sign up to this so called binarytilt, i signed up with them through there financial director called Denis Goldman, i made my deposit of 250USD that was the end, i emailed him after one week of nothing been done to refund me my money but he never did nor email me anymore and my money is gone, please dont wast your money here,

I feel that this review should be updated. Binary Tilt is no longer based in New Zealand and therefore “the great NZ regulation” is not going to protect the traders. They have stolen my money through their dodgy tactic and some people I know are complaining that they are either refusing or delaying withdrawal.

I am having serious problems attempting to withdraw a small amount of money from my account with Binary Tilt. At this stage they won’t even respond to any form of communication.

I have records of the mails sent to me. Is there an authority that can sort this out for me?

You can write to their head broker Jack Stiles at jack@binarytilt. Though I am very skeptical about the outcome. If this fails go straight to NZ regulatory authority and lodge your complaint here: https://business. govt. nz/fsp/help-support/complaints-about-fsp.

They are no longer a NZ company so making that complaint will not work. I have just filed a complaint with the Ombudsman in London because they are now a Grenadines corporation with offices in London. It takes about 2 weeks for them to work on your complaint but I think it is important to make as many official complaints about them as possible – that is the only way they will be put on the official radar. Will it get your money back? Don’t know – I have to wait to see if I get mine back.

Hi I have deposited $2300 into their account, they have cancelled my login and I have contacted the London office. They keep tell me it’s a problem with IT department. I really wish I really wish I had seen this sight before I invested money with them.

Hey, i have been calling this number +44 203 807 1553, but they never pick it up.

could you please give me the contact number which you have?

Unfortunately my experience with closing my account has been terrible and 3 months on I am again starting the process to get my money back. I wouldn’t recommend them for customer service or withdrawal of funds. I can not say anything about trading as i didn’t get the time to utilize this part of the service which is why i have decided to close the account.

I have followed all instructions as provided but yet to receive a resolution.

I feel sorry for you Warren. From my experience with them I can say that your chance of getting your money back is next to impossible. You have been conned. Accept the fact and move forward. There are many good brokers you will find on this BOTS site.

WARNING – Binary Tilt. Denis Goldman convinced me to deposit $10,000 into a managed account and lost all of it very quickly. Tried ringing, emails, no one has bothered to reply. They are supposed to be regulated by ASIC as a foreign company from last month. Devastated by the experience.

I have some money tied up with them, and I will definately be back to tell you how it works out. But so far it looks like they have been trying to make unathorized deposits to their site from my credit card, and have spent a long time not authorizing my withdrawl. Supposedly the account manager used my money to make more, but I highly doubt they will let me withdraw any of it. I will keep you informed on this as it goes along.

I can tell you all that my experience with BinaryTilt, is very good and profitable for me, I’m trading with them for more than a year and they build up my account tremendously, Because of that I quit my job and I’m getting a very nice income from them, I’m almost 70 years old and my retirement program is nothing comparing to the money that I’m getting from my account with them.

Can you be more explicit about your experience with Binary Tilt? What is your income? Do you receive money on a monthly basis?

i have just deposited $250 as soon as my deposit went through my ‘so called account manager stops returning my email. For some reason they call me from a Sydney Australia number. When we call the London number from the emails. Nothing happens when you press options. The compliance department are requesting more photo I:d’s and some Docu. Sign thing. I have cancelled my credit card. Something doesn’t feel right about them. Even an email from one of their team warned ‘ this email might be from someone trying to steal your money. Will update how I go getting my money back.

I requested a withdrawal on October 25th 2018, they still handling my request after 13 business days (11 Nov. 2018). Very disappointed with their service.

Today morning I asked their chat agent about binary option robot instead of answering my questions she ended a chat without any reason. I think thwy are hiding something about their relationship with binary option robot.

No mather what i try, and how may times i apply for a withdrawal from Binary Tilt but by the end fighting two month now to get a withdrawal. and still no pay out processed. Customer service told me i will put it through to financial department priority but everytime this is the last message and nothing happens Since i signed up for a account i receive a lot of annoying phonecalls about financial markets services. I am tired of Binary Tilt.

I deposited 2000$ into binarytilt.

I requested a withdraw from binary tilt… it took them 1 month to withdraw my 700$

After such a long ordeal I immediately requested to withdraw everything. Now I have 3000$ left to withdraw (winnings included) It’s already almost been 3 weeks….

Afew days ago I send them an email threatening to leave negative reviews so they have blocked my account preventing me from trading, saying my account is under investigation…

I guess they cant understand how a good trader with a good strategy can actually make money trading binary options… now they dont know what to do because they actually have to pay up… around 1700$ in profits… which is really not that much.

They never answer their phones… never answer their emails…

By the way their website is wordpress.. seriously? the most hackable & cheapest website platform available? This is where you wanna deposit your money? Into wordpress? Redflag! Redflag!

I am trying to get hold of binarytilt, No one answers phone , no one on chat.

My account has not been updated by them but all my documents has been sent. I no longer want to be with them i just want to withdraw my balance.

I have had a very bad experience so far with Binary Tilt. I deposited $300 and was contacted by one of the account managers and she told me that $300 was to little to start with. I then decided to withdraw my money and wait until I can start of with $2000. The problem that I have now is getting my money withdrawn. It was suppose to take 7 -10 days and my request was done on the 9th of December 2018 and it is now the 26 th of December 2018. When I ask what the hold up is, I get told they have some technical difficulty and I should give them my cell number for them to contact me back which they never did. It really is starting to feel like I will never see my money again. What should I do in this instance?

I deposited 1k and also entered into an insured trade which cost me 5k and made me 4.2k whigh I have emailed contracts for. I also made money trading and my account was at 25.4k but I have been unable to withdraw any funds. no one answers my calls or replies to emails they have also blocked me from logging into my account luckily I took a screenshot showing my balance before they blocked me.

it looks like I will have to sue them..has anyone else started this process yet.

Maybe you can share how you’re planning to sue an international broker with a virual address exactly?

I’d be very interested in hearing, they owe me 3k, and are still ignoring me.

Lawyers arent worth paying for 3k.

So how are you planning on sueing them exactly?

I am also facing the same requested $1K withdrawal request on 17 Dec 2018.

It is already pass 10 business days and my request was still pending.

there is no reply from them and no one on live chat. I thought the live chat should be 24 hours. What should i do ?

My first withdrawal was successful, because my broker did it on my behalf.

But he literally ignore me when i refuse to put in more money.

The whole thing is feeling so fishy, i didn’t even sign up for any bonus.

They have no right to login in my capital.

What should i do in this instance ?

Have contacted ASIC as Binary Tilt are a foreign registered company in Australia about losing my money. I filled out a report and sent the required docs. I will post again on this site with the outcome.

I recently tried to start trading with Binary Tilt. Did my deposit after opening my account. Then i could not login and my balance did not appear anywhere either. Chat line says I am number 1 in the queue and it will take nine minutes for a response , a week later and still no response. still cannot login to trade or effect a withdrawal. Pathetic service, also threatened to trash their name so that might be the problem. My advice would be to go and look for a pro broker at many of the platforms that are available and if you lose you lose but at least you can be satisfied that your money has not been stolen by a bunch of scammers. So i’ve registered my account, done the deposit and still cannot login after three weeks. You make up your mind……….

I have a complaint. I called several times & talked to your Coustomer Service & explained my complaint & I was told I will be contacted by sales dep’t. When I make a call to sales department & & now to Coustemer Service they are not answering my call. Please help. Thanks .

I have been trying to withdraw /25k from my account with BinaryTilt for a few months now. Each time I call them I end up on hold with music playing. On a few occasions someone has andwered and asked what department I want. When I say finance I am put through and then I am cut off.

I have 71k in my account. It might as well be a number.

I never took the bonuses that were offered because I wanted to withdraw whe I wanted. But it seems binary tilt don’t pay out to those who want to.

Make a withdrawal.

Telephone 0044 7834 368 644.

I am facing the same problem as you guys. I deposited 250€, and later that day, I hear a lot of different opinions about the website. Later that day I want to withdraw my money, but before I can withdraw, I have to send some documents to verified that I am the right person. I don’t really trust this site and don’t want to post some personal information. I tried to contact customer department and tell them that I have second thoughts, and they just said that I have to provide them with the right information before I will get my money. Can they be trusted?

PS. BinaryTilt has not withdrawn my money from my bank account yet.

I am facing the same problem here, no support, no answeron the telephone, no money paid after requesting a payment. Do they still exist?

I payed my 250usd into Binary Tilt nearly 2 weeks ago.

To this day i still vant trade as my verification hasnt being approved and ive sent all documents in nearly 2 weeks ago.

Ive tryed to email and call them with no success at all.

Ive requested that my funds of 250usds to be refunded… no answer at all once again.

Id be carefull of this broker everyone as it doesnt look like im going to get my refund back as i do believe this broker is a scam.

They have had complaints before and was warned by the Australian regulaters. And im about to put in my complaint as to why i cant get my refund back.

Be carefull of this broker.

Withdrawal requested on the 3rd of March, not processed yet.

Has Binary Tilt ceased trading? Have been unable to get any response from them for several weeks. Their website is still there and appears to be operating but have been unable to get any response whether LiveChat, email, phone or even letter. Does anyone know what has happened?

I have been trying to withdraw funds for at least two months without success:((

No one answers the phone, chat seems impossible and my broker is unavailable on email or Skype (our usual modes of communication).

Depisits are super easy and while I was depositing all was going well ! Makes me think it’s a scam.

Anyone has s suggestions on how I should address this, I just want to get my funds out at this point .

Still going through ASIC and trying to get my money back which is a fairly big amount. They are not registered as a foreign company in Australia anymore, that has been cancelled on the ASIC website. Do Not deal with them.

Hi everyone I have lost a huge amount of money as I fell for the whole VIP account and trade analysis crap. I have now taken legal action against them and this is what I know.

Chemmi holding is a scam company in the U. K. that changes director every two week and have no UK address.

Binary tilt has never been regulated and the trading platform is in fact like a computer game . Have you ever thought of where the money goes when you do not win a trade?

They have hundreds of lawsuits against them.

You will never get your money back unless you apply for a chargeback from your credit card company or take legal action as there are lawyers in Israel that specialises on binary option fraud.

The names your account manager uses is fake and in order form them to not attract further lawsuits they use the total account manager instead of broker.

The people I dealt with was David Banis and Alan Smith both are fake names.

I deposit 250 Euro but I can not trade, window open please try later account pending.

Chat with somebody not possible.

Send Mail to the Support Team, no replay already 4 days.

I’m sending my complaint to UK Fraud Police because Chemmi Holdings is supposedly registered there. Don’t think I can get chargeback although I haven’t checked because at the time my bank said it was my risk if I invest in binary. Denis Goldman was the broker I was dealing with and Depix Holdings who supposedly own Chemmi Holdings are in The Grenadines and are aware I am complaining to UK police. I recall Denis Goldman telling me the owner of Chemmi Holdings lives in Trigg, Western Australia. ASIC in Australia have blacklisted them, looks like I will have to go legal action too.

I have tried to make withdrawals for Three times. No answer, tried e-mail nothing happens.

They are what they are. My 3.500 & are locked and I have a feeling that they are going to swallow my Money. Right now I need some money in order to move to Another city, beccause of that I am going to miss my ny jobb. Is that democracy, is that justicee .

CAUTION! Try to make a deposit and withdrawal before you start to trade. Even IF you win, the money are not yours until they’re on your bank account… I have followed all rules and policies for withdrawal, but not received any payout. Its been 17 business days and Binary Tilt does not respond to my e-mails or phone calls anymore.

CAUTION WITH BINARY TILT! I have had the same problems as the rest of you. Investments made, but no withdrawal has been honoured. I have now reported them to the FCA and to Action Fraud UK. The more people who report them, the more chances we will have of this company being stopped. I highly recommend you report them as well. Even though I have money in my account with them, they have not honoured my withdrawal request, and do not answer phone calls or emails. I guess we are all learning a lesson here. My credit card company said it was my risk.

I’ve been trying to withdraw money from my account with them for a month now, they just won’t give it up. I WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND NEVER SENDING THEM MONEY OR TRADING WITH THEM, FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Binary Tilt is not registered in Australia or New Zealand and is run through a holding company in London. It is very hard to get your cash out. i have been trying for over 3 months now to get my funds out with no luck. So i have made formal complaints to the Ombudsman in the Uk. I firmly advice you not to deal with this company and if you want to trade them find out who is a registered company in your own country, otherwise the will just take your money. Be careful and good luck.

WARNING . BinaryTilt is taking your money !!

I have not upend an account but can’t get using it without write my creditcard information on a Email included my Secure code to the credit card. This I did not do.

I resieve after words many phone call from Unknown Number from a Dan Fishermann from BinaryTilt who is trying to get my secure code to my Credit card, and he even change my password on my BinaryTilt account to block me out for trading. why I really don’t know, but I will worn everyone not to let BinaryTilt get your money.

Kindly Hans-Henrik Andersen.

I have invested a total of US$2750.00 with them. When I started to trade, my account is blocked! I tried to send several emails and live chat . No reply from them. The guy named “Marvin Gorden” asked me to deposit US$250, subsequently, another guy “Mike Ross” saying that he was anAccount Senior Manager convinced me to deposit another US$2500. In total I was cheated by them US$2750.00, not even able to place a single trade. This is so ridiculous! Why in the first place, there are still so many good comments about them! Can anybody help who should I report this to?

Well I’ve got 200$ back from my 250$ but only because after a month of waiting for my withdrawal some ‘Account manager’ contacted me ( Ryan Louis ryanl@binarytilt )

He tried to push me to get on with transferring 10k for two contracts that are guaranteed to bring profit. So I agreed but with the condition to get my activation fee back. He said he cannot transfer 250$ since my account will go to inactive mode. I wanted to get anything so he promised to send 200$. After two days I had them on my credit cart. He did it by overriding my orders on the platform so basically I infer the can do anything they want there.

Afterwards he tried to push me to get 10k transferred, I said no and then the conversation went rather rude.

Stay away from them :)

I have been trying to get my deposit back for nearly 3 weeks I am going through the bank for a chargeback. They are out of their contractual dates so hopefully all will be resolved. I keep being ŕung up by people asking me why I haven’t started trading….i didn’t want to after a change of my circumstances so I closed the account. It’s like pulling teeth trying to contact them and VERY SLOW at responding.

I was directed to Binarytilt via Option365 trading robot. I had an altercation with the broker because he phoned and phoned when I had to end the call (he called late) and was sent 800 password verification emails in the space of half an hour. When we did speak it was short and very rude. I was locked out of my account as soon as I started the binary robot and have not been able to get in since my deposit was verified. I have messaged customer support but received no response. I would steer clear.

Hi everyou one yes it seems we are all having big problems with BT My gripe is almost the same as some of yous I made a deposit of $250usd that doesnt sound much to most but to me that’s alot. I cannot trade because my account manager Michael Brown if that’s his real name is not responding to my messages He told me I had to many accounts that needed deleting and asked me to login again but he hasn’t given me my login details or an ID account number which I think is a lot of BULL S..T When I asked him to ring me so he could talk me through the process of logging into the trading platform he was not able to do that because his nett was down another BULL S…T He then informs me the managers are trying to fix the issues another BULL S…T And so the excuses go no and on ……I am absolutely frustrated with the whole scenario and have asked for a withdrawal for my deposit After reading all the complaints about the withdrawals I can see its going to be extremely difficult Just wish there was something or someone online that could help people who have been scammed and also bring those brokers to justice I won’t be giving up though with trading just need to find some honest brokers and I am sure there are some out there So my fellow traders keep your heads up Happy Honest traders.

Stay away from them.

These are the names to pay attention to :

From the latter, Mike Ross, I received a Skype message today Aug 2nd 2017, that he removed one hour later, that was saying : “I am a scammer. You will NEVER see your money again.”

Dont use this lot continually asking for large investment call after call nightmare.

It didn’t take too long as a custemr of Binary Tilt to find that their “Cusotmer Care” really sucks. They were quick enough to get in touch when they wanted me to deal directly with them rather than through another binary robot, but when I wanted to close my account and requested a withdrawal, guess what?… I’m still waiting. Their two UK telephone numbers just have you hanging on. I’m sure they have no intention of answering any incoming calls on these numbers. Time for legal action.

surely not every single trader has had these issues with Binary Tilt ?

they must be allowing most traders to withdraw funds otherwise it would be all over the trading world ?

I have a account with Binary Tilt and I made good profits but when it comes to payouts they just kept silent and just don’t respond to any of my emails or massages . They can’t eben pay me a 10 000 Euro out of a 250 000 euro acount. I’m ready to hand them over to the authorities. i will not recommended them to any of my biggest enemies. They made me promises and up to today not a single promise is been kept. i just trying to get my money out there then I’m gone will never do any investment with them ever again.

please avoid this at any costs! It took me several months and numerous threats to post negative reviews to withdraw my money.

Regardless of whether you earn money with them or not – you will NEVER be able to withdraw it. They just do not react and your withdrawal requests get ignored.

I think this will reduce the amount of people these fraud binary option brokers victimize but i still find it hard to believe there are people who actually do make profits from binary option, after investing with banc de binary and losing it all and then giving GT option a chance and the same tactics was used just that the lady who spoke to me over the phone was nicer and they always had my time until i need to withdraw. i could write on about more binary options traders i tried with little amounts like 200-500$ and they still gave me the same signals of fraud ahead. One thing i was happy for is meeting Calgary security . org . i actually did get my lost investments after months of depression and having taken a loan from my office i was not getting my usual pay anymore and bills kept piling. I just thank My stars i got it back, i would have comitted suicide, the pressure from work and people i convinced to invest with me was killing me.

They contacted me by phone 2 senior accounts of Binarytilt, they told me to invest before 2000e and then 3000e in August, writing to me that I would have capital + profits back; They gave me 2500 bonuses not asked; I am profitable; The account is + 8675e; They do not make me withdraw money; I did ask the money from the lawyer; No reply. You do not trust us and you do not even invest us 1 euro; employees and society are not serious; Throw the money.

I deposited $1000 USD two years ago, then due to a change in personal circumstances, did not trade and left the money in the account. I started emailing about closing the account on September 2nd, 2017 and was ignored for about two months until I decided to go ahead and activate the account just to make a withdrawal and close it. On October 27th, 2017 I went through the account verification process and was told all is well and I could request the withdrawal, which I did. Since then, the only responses to requests for withdrawals have been along the lines of “we have transferred your request to our “Team” (as if that actually exists…) for processing …

Since then, weekly requests for updates have resulted in the same blow smoke up your ass, BS responses. My last request was for someone within this scam to actually have the balls to tell me I’m never going to see the money…please put yours somewhere else than with this criminal organization!!

Binary Tilt was very active getting my money at their account, but paying out is apparently not possible. I have not managed yet, after many attempts.

Some good suggestions?

Binary Tilt. After reporting them to UK fraud police, ASIC etc there’s nothing anyone can do as the UK address is just a mailbox and a fake address. I was dealing with Denis Goldman, all their employees are a scam. I got ASIC to blacklist them in Australia which they did after I reported them. Because I lost a fair bit, I now am going to Birman Global who take 10% upfront from the total loss to start proceedings, once they get the money back they will take another 20% and you get 70%, better than not getting anything back at all. All these scam brokers have addresses all over the world especially London to make them sound authentic but they don’t exist. Their platform is made to look like live trading when it’s really just fake software.

I had the same experience. I invested 250€. Right after investment I withdrew. I’ve sent them many emails and called them. Their support says only that they cannot help and they need to pass the message to “back office”. Few times they have said that they have tried to call me, but I’ve not received a single call. I filed criminal charge in actionfraud UK and waiting their reply.

Please if you see this message do not invest any money to this trader.

STAY AWAY once deposited you will never see your money again. I have waited for two months, had numerous mails with them blaming everything for delays.

My advise: stay away, even if you make money you will never get them.

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6 Different Trading Accounts Demo and Islamic Accounts Site Available in Multiple Languages.


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BinaryTilt Review.

BinaryTilt was incorporated in New Zealand in 2018 and offers traders a wide choice of trade types, unique trading tools and a huge range of underlying assets. The BinaryTilt platform was set up by a group of professionals from the financial and internet industries and provides professional level charting to binary options traders to ensure all trades are executed accurately. The BinaryTilt team includes personnel experienced in derivatives, forex, risk management, compliance, payment processing and international law & legislation.

BinaryTilt is owned and operated by Chemmi Holdings Limited located in London, UK. It won the award for Best New Regulated Broker in 2018. It is regulated as a Financial Services Provider on the New Zealand Financial Services Providers’ Register (FSPR).

BinaryTilt offers 6 different trading accounts.

The Basic account can be opened with a minimum deposit of only $500; there are no extra benefits. Classic accounts require a $1000 deposit and entitle the trader to a few signals sent for one week as well as a personal broker. No cash backs are provided for either of the above accounts.

$5000 will open a Premium account where traders are entitled to additional signals sent over a month; a deposit of $10,000 opens a Gold account with even more signals sent over a period of 3 months. There is also an additional payout of 1% in this account.

Anyone depositing $20,000 into a Platinum account receives signals for a full year as well as an extra 2% payout. A minimum of $50,000 is required to open a Privilege account which offers a lifetime of signals, instant withdrawals and an additional 3% payout.

The demo account offered by BinaryTilt is one of the most advanced and realistic virtual trading platforms in the industry and is specifically designed to simulate trading on a real account. The demo accounts have all the features, assets and tools as the real binary options trading platform, only that the funds are virtual.

Muslim clients at BinaryTilt can open an interest-free/swap account with no interest charged on any open positions, irrespective of the period of the trade from entry to expiration. There are no hidden charges or fees.

BinaryTilt offers trading in a range of Currencies, Commodities, Indices or Stocks with a variety of different assets within each category. The binary options offered are High/Low, One Touch, Range High/Low and Option on Demand, Pairs, Ladders, Forex and 60 Seconds.

There are several special platform features. The interactive display allows traders to see additional information regarding a specific bit of data simply by moving the computer mouse.

With candlesticks, traders are able to receive a broader view of their chosen asset’s price status. Candlesticks come in two colors: Red ones indicate that the price declined within a specified time period, while green ones indicate that the price climbed within a particular time period.

Traders can also benefit from using the strategy advisor, which essentially provides either a Call or a Put prediction based on one of the three following types of calculations: RSI, Moving Average or Bollinger Bands.

The Option Builder allows traders to fully customize their own option by selecting the asset, investment and expiry, and also their own risk/profit ratio, i. e. customizing the percentage of the stake that will be returned in the case of a losing trade. The advantage of the Option Builder is that it allows the trader to vary his/her trading style from low risk to high risk with complete control of your risk/profit ratio.

The education center at BinaryTilt provides articles on many different topics related to trading and binary options. They also offer a free eBook and a wide variety of training videos on several different topics including Market Analysis, Options Strategies, Social Trading, Signals, Trading Central and more.

Traders have access to Bloomberg TV, daily fundamental and technical analysis and an economic calendar with up-to-the-minute listings of economic events taking place throughout the world.

The BinaryTilt website is available in close to 20 different languages.


The Refer-your-friend promotion is the only promotion offered to traders. Any friend who successfully deposits a minimum of $500 entitles the trader’s account to be credited with 10% of their initial deposit – up to $100. In addition, there is an extra bonus: If 10 friends open accounts and deposit a minimum of $500 each an extra $500 is deposited in the account.

The only other bonus available at the time of this review was a match bonus on initial account deposits going as high as 100% in the Privilege account.


Deposit methods include credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and JCB. Deposits can also be made as wire transfers and through e wallets such as Netteller, Skrill/Moneybookers, Giro Pay, CashU. They are one of the few brokers to accept PayPal.

Withdrawals are manually processed by the staff at BinaryTilt. Once processed, the money can take between 1 and 10 days to be deposited into an account. The period taken for the money to reflect in an account depends on the trader’s geographical location.

For the Australian traders using this platform, the company does not charge any withdrawal fees or costs. However, traders residing outside Australian will incur a processing fee of $20.

Customer Support.

BinaryTilt offers responsive 24/7 customer support via Live Chat, Email or Toll Free Phone in 5 countries. Both platform and support are available in English, Chinese and Japanese.


BinaryTilt is a relatively new binary option broker. But is has managed to set up a platform that meets the needs of any trader looking to trade binaries. There is a choice of different accounts, plenty of educational material and a wide range of options to choose from.


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